Friday, January 14, 2011

Santo Nino

We celebrate and worship Jesus Christ, who unlocked for us the gates of the kingdom of heaven by His Glorious Incarnation. He chose to do this not by coming to us as a fearsome tyrant and master, but rather as a child.

"Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven..." says Our Lord. Through these words He declared to all that He is the protector of children, of the small, the downtrodden, the oppressed, the poor, the helpless, the exploited and the disadvantaged.

The little ones are the priority of our God.

As Christians we are called to protect, defend, serve and respect the little ones of God.

But we are not just tasked to take care of God's little ones.

All of us are likewise called to be "little ones" before our Merciful Father in heaven.

No other way.

"If any one of you will not be like one of these little ones, you cannot be included in the reign of the Father."

To be childlike, to be a "child" once more, is to recover the simplicity, truthfulness and purity of heart that we once had as children, but have lost in our growing years. When we became "adults," we also have somehow distanced ourselves from God and has foolishly tried to assert our independence from Him, doing more our will than what He wills for us.

The Holy Child, Our Senor Santo Nino, invites us to put down our futile rebellions and defenses; he dares us to be completely dependent once more to our true Father in heaven; He teaches us that Divine childlikeness is our real power and salvation, for it is in being little and helpless before God that He is able to exercise the fullness of His might and love in, through and with us.

The Holy Child Jesus challenges us to go beyond making "dolls" and "mascots" out of His images in our upcoming festivities. He would rather that we imitate and start living out the path of spiritual childlikeness that He has made possible for us through His Holy Childhood.

Spiritual childlikeness is the key to salvation (Mk. 10)

Viva Pit Senor!!!

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