Sunday, January 2, 2011


At the MANGER, God revealed Himself to us as Love at its purest and humblest;

At the WATERS OF JORDAN, God revealed Himself to us as Love-community, Father, Son and Spirit;

At the WEDDING AT CANA, God revealed Himself to us as Love overflowing and abundant;

One God.
One Love.
One continues revelation...

I am created in His Image and Likeness.
In baptism, He restored in me His Image and Likeness.
I received the name of the Father, Son and Spirit.
I am received by the Father, Son and Spirit.
I received the mark of the Trinity.
I am an heir to His riches untold.
I have been born again in spirit and truth.
I have been purified, forgiven and made whole.
I am continually nourished by His Body and Blood.
I bear His Image and Likeness by the love I accord my neighbors.
I reveal to others the face of God when I die to myself so that they may have life.
I am a conduit of renewal for people and creation.

As I incarnate in my person, my limitations notwithstanding, God who is Humble Love, God who is Communal Love, God who is Abundant Love, and thus again and again continue to be a life-giving and life-transforming revelation for all, I
allow the Lord to manifest Himself through me.

The work of Christmas continues through me.


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