Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Христос воскрес! Christ is risen! - (2nd NCC-Day Two)

Христос воскрес! The Christ of our faith, the Christ of our struggles, the Christ of our hopes and salvation; He is the risen Christ! He is truly risen, truly among us!

The Christ of our tears and joys, the Christ of our every waking, the Christ whom we run to as refuge and defender; He is the risen Christ! He is truly risen, truly among us!

The Christ of our longings, the Christ of our sufferings, the Christ of our victories; He is the risen Christ! He is truly risen, truly among us!

The Christ who in spite of our betrayals, remain faithful and loyal, the Christ who awaits us at the end of our every misadventure, the Christ who never fails to invite: "come, let us break bread anew!" He is the risen Christ! He is truly risen, truly among us!

The Christ at our side when we are defeated and down, the Christ who laughs out loud at our every pleasure, the Christ who delights in the littlest of our successes in life; He is the risen Christ! He is truly risen, truly among us!

The Christ who offers all His divine and human perfection in exchange for all our imperfections, the Christ who doubles the love that we once in a while accord Him, the Christ who is at the finish line cheering us on as we make our way through, He is the risen Christ! He is truly risen, truly among us!

Christos voskres! Alleluia, Alleluia!

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