Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Love in the Time of AH1N1- Resolutions for the New Year

I love the Philippines! I am a proud Pinoy! Therefore...I will not pay taxes whenever I could ( And I believe I would be contributing to the nation's spiritual renewal as well as the current non-president, squatter-in-Malacanang's impassioned appeal for the country's moral recovery in doing so). I will not call corrupt, engorged, drug-dependent, bloated, slimy, greasy-faced gnomes as honorable, officer, excellency, or even human beings. I will not remain silent. I will not fool people to believe that time heals everything. I will not lie if only to make others feel good about themselves, and contribute to their over-all developmental retardation in the process. I will not buy things that are more than what I need to decently get by each day. I will not pay P2.00 for one of those alcohol-soaked, pieces of cheap tissue papers being peddled at the NBI desks after having all of one's fingers smuged with black ink for the finger print records.

I will always have a pocket notebook and a pen or a pencil ready, if I don't have my mobile phone with me, so that I could record plate numbers of the cars and motorbikes of thieves and rouges disguised as peace-keepers but in reality are hyenas preying on hapless victims on the roads, in our side streets, or other public places.

I will help keep the anger and disgust of our people alive and raging over the grand foolery and cover-up we are all being led into regarding the Ampatuan Massacre, Le Cirque dinner, ZTE-NBN deal, fortified noodles Scam of DepEd, Abalos "Borjer" machine, Jocelyn "Joc-Joc" Bolante fertilizer scam, and thousand other crimes that the current administration and all its ilks have imposed upon our already languishing people. This I will do by engaging taxi drivers and yosi vendors, balut peddlers and sampaguita ladies, brother priests and and women on our happy, busy streets, into meaningful discussions and ways to help out our sorry but hope-filled nation. Boiling hearts and flaming souls are sure to keep us on our feet against any threat to our sanity and well-being.

I am sorry...that I cannot recognize any legitimacy in any of our incumbent leaders at present. Rather, I regard with no little amount of reverence and awe, the many sparks of goodness and altruism that at present provide alternative leadership through quiet witnessing that I experience daily in ordinary men and women of the streets: that lowly janitor or security guard zealously keeping his or her post, the honest fishmonger, the taxi, jeepney, or tricycle driver who gives exact change, mothers and fathers telling their wards not to throw candy wrappers on the pavement, poor but dignified young ones who would rather look for job than beg and line-up forever at the next relief distribution center, men of the cloth who would speak less and do more, customers refusing plastic bags and insisting on bringing their own during shopping sprees and trips to the grocery.

I will not be ashamed to pray and say grace even in public places. I will make the sign of the cross before and after meals in a restaurant, even in front of my collegues. I will not hesitate to say no to things or involvements that are less than proper or decent, or are destructive of others. I will not throw garbage at my neighbor's backyard or vicinity. I will use ashtrays and bins for my cigarette butts.

I will say thank you and sorry more often. I will lend my voice to the voiceless. I will do my part in nation-building according to the dictates of my conscience and not just be influenced by the fad of the moment. I'll do the best that I could in living well, in keeping a smile handy to cheer up the weary ones, to have a candy or two for the urchins on the loose. I will check on my family more frequently, connect with my friends, visit sick and elderly mentors and members of the community...and still have time to enjoy unhurried walks in the city or even in some countryside. I will spend more of my meager provisions for vacation visiting local tourist spots so that money won't bleed out of our country.

I will contribute in whatever way I could so that pertinent issues may continue to be discussed. I will take up a meaningful and worthwhile cause. I will speak out if necessary, shut up if I have nothing of import to say.

And at the end of each day, I will fold my knees in prayer and see to it that I'll have a good night's sleep, that I may be ready for the battles of the following day.