Thursday, February 10, 2011

The "Askal" Mom at the Table of Jesus (Mk.7, 24-30)

One poor, desperate mom. A daughter in distress, assailed by unclean spirits. No remedies and concoctions could ever help her. All the shamans and witch-doctors she has consulted were of no avail. And just when she was about to snap out of her wits, after exhausting all she could think of to help her wasting child...she heard of Jesus.

They said he was for real. They said he was from God. They said he has what she was hopelessly looking for. She must see Jesus. She MUST meet Jesus. She'll do whatever it takes to secure an audience with Jesus.

But actually meeting him proved to be vastly different from merely hearing about him. She was in for a shocker. She would find out later that he was more serious, more puzzling, more enigmatic, more rivetting in his words than all that has ever been said of him. He was even blunt and quite brutal. He called her a "bitch." "children first, dogs later..." said the sought after Lord.

But the Syro-phoenician's motherly heart was defiant. She did not come all the way here to be dismissed just like that. She came prepared for the wrestling match. "I may be a dog for all I care, but I'll eagerly await some scraps from your table still the same...don't give me the attitude young man...GIVE ME BACK MY DAUGHTER!" Here's one challenged Mom who would never have "no" for an answer.

And those were the very words the Lord was waiting for. He was not the least offended. He knew they were coming. He wanted that they burst forth. For unknown to the adamant mother, it was actually Jesus who DID wring her heart dry of every remaining bits and scraps of faith that it contains, and he found them copious and unrelenting. And there lies her salvation. There was found her daughter's resurrection.

Later that day...the holy bitch was said to have been seen prancing gleefuly as she made her way back home...WITH A WIDE, CANINE SMILE ON HER FACE...

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