Thursday, April 1, 2010


Name it…I Nailed It…

Violence, crime, greed, sufferings…name it, I nailed it! Gore, smut, envy, lust…name it, I nailed it! Anything else you haven’t yet tried? Anything else you want to indulge in? Name it, I nailed it!

Can there still be something more pornographic than my raw and open body dangling on a tree? Can there still be something more repulsive than my taut and beaten trunk? Can there still be any wound, or stripe, or bruise, or lesion un-opened; or insult, or mockery, or abuse unspoken? Name it, I nailed it!

O yes I did, I already nailed ‘em all! For I cannot bear any minute longer, the many times you inflict any or all of these, especially to the least of your brethren. I already nailed ‘em all, so that you’ll not anymore harm and hurt each other. I already nailed ‘em all, that they may not anymore cast their curse upon you. I love you! I want you! I created you exclusively for my pleasure and love! All I have is yours! All that you are is a treasure in my eyes! Every one of you is precious to me! My life is all yours, my death, your resurrection!

Come now to the festival! Come now to your home! I already nailed on the blessed cross all your deaths, and passions and failures, there to remain forever maimed and rendered inutile. All these I already nailed on the shameful beam of hate, that you may already be free, and loving and holy! I already nailed 'em all on the tree, that you may already stop fighting, and begin to be forgiving; that you may already stop crying, and begin to be rejoicing; that you may already stop dying, and begin to be happily living...!

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