Sunday, April 18, 2010

Below Heaven and Over the Earth

A few thousand feet above the land, above the sea; above everything else that make up my world - my environment, my earth, my paradise, my hell; way beyond the limits of yesterday and far away from enemies and friends, here I am on top of them all, suspended between heaven and earth.

it is surreal as it is so real, this freedom, this newness, this precise moment in my life when I am cast right at the center of my two worlds, spiritual and physical. I am an anonymous drift in the midst of faces I cannot recognize, and tongues I cannot comprehend.

The ship's all crowded yet it feels that it's now just me and the "Great Other." It's Genesis all over again. I am now shod with the shoes of Adam, who was tasked with the role of "giving a name," of "calling" those around him with something he can relate to, and in so doing, define the kind of relationship he'd like to have with Him from whose "womb" he has emerged.

How shall I call Him?

What name shall I give Him?

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