Friday, April 16, 2010

COME, LET'S HAVE BREAKFAST... (3rd Sunday of Easter)

It was a simple invitation. An invitation so typical and familiar of Him; an invitation that sounded so similar to the one that they all heard when they first met him…”come, follow me…”

It was an invitation not to participate in some spirited discussion or debate about metaphysical and intangible concepts. It definitely was not an invitation to blind submission. It was an invitation to share the table. It was invitation to break bread. It was an invitation to enter an intimate and transforming kind of friendship. It was an invitation to communion.

To follow the Lord is to share his table. To follow Jesus is to breakfast with Jesus. To follow God is to break bread with God. To follow Him is to “enter” His life.

Only through sitting at table with the Lord could we truly participate in the mystery of Easter. Only by having a meal with Him as our friend could we fully appreciate his insane love for each of us that led him to suffer and die on the cross, so that we may not anymore suffer the same, but instead share in the glory of His rising to new life.

To breakfast with the Lord is to be reconciled with Him. To breakfast with Jesus is to stop running away from Him. To breakfast with the Lord is for us to begin to stoop down and start washing the feet of one another in imitation of Him. To breakfast with the Lord is to cast away our disbelief and to throw our nets deeper into the vast sea, with the firm conviction that we are in for a bountiful catch. To breakfast with Jesus is to cast our nets deeper into the depths of one another’s hearts, with the intent of drawing God’s beauty and goodness out of each one of us; this entails that we dive past the limitations, the weaknesses, the quirks, the differences, the oftentimes petty and ridiculous frictions with which we strangle and demolish our many relationships. To breakfast with Jesus is to look at those with whom we share the same invitation not as rivals and enemies, but rather friends and siblings.

Come…let’s have breakfast with Our Risen savior!

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