Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Blessing upon blessing has been coming my way these past few weeks. After months of anxiety and uncertainty, I was luckily issued my first US visa, 10-year multiple entry at first try. This is significant and especially precious for me since this means that I can finally get to fulfill a life-long dream of studying iconography in a real Orthodox Skete, under the watch of an authentic iconographer-monk, wherever there would be an opportunity.

Things are turning out relatively well with my other equally pressing and difficult life decisions. I was finally able to talk to my bishop about future plans in my ministry and life as a priest and we have come to a cordial agreement. He was remarkably solicitous and fatherly in that particular colloquium that we have had and I am very grateful for it. There was simply an excess of warmth and welcome all around me. I can only attribute all these to the loving mercy of Our Blessed Savior.

But attendant to this outpouring of blessings are the many side-glitches and emerging complications that I really do not find that formidable, but are nonetheless, providing me still the same with plenty of reasons to be humbler and more courageous. Let’s just say that these road side humps are paving my way with the necessary abrasives if only to purify and smoothen my journey some more.

Consolations and desolations, triumphs and trials, truly come in pairs. If anything, this parallel emergence of challenges to my train of God-given favors only serves to make me more thankful to the Lord for all the good things he’s indulging me with.


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