Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Heaven on Earth

"You are no longer strangers" says the Apostle Paul to the church at Ephesus. "You are no longer sojourners."

We are fellow citizens with the holy ones; we are family members of the household of God!

This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ for us.

This is the Gospel Apostles, Saints and Martyrs throughout the ages heroically labored and lovingly offered their lives for: that we may realize and start living not anymore as strangers and isolated, unrelated individuals but as family, as fellows, as friends in Jesus.

We can only be Church if we begin living as a family - caring, building up, forgiving and asking forgiveness from one another.

When we live thus, then we become truly Church.

Then the Church becomes the Body of Christ,

Household of the Lord,

Heaven on Earth!

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