Tuesday, August 2, 2016

3 A.M.

It is essential for me to be always reminded that I am a beggar.

I own nothing.

I am nothing.

I owe everything to Him who caused me to be.

I can only ask.

I can only pray.

I can only beg.

I am completely dependent on His mercy;

totally in need of His compassion.

I cannot boast of anything;

For nothing that is good can come from me but only through Him who is the source of all that is good.

I am nothing.

I was created out of nothing.

I am only because He created me and invested in me His own image and likeness.

To be someone other than the image and likeness of God is to be no one;

To be nothing.

I am

Only when I am in and with Him, and He is in and with me.

(sampung pasasalamat)

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