Monday, July 1, 2013


It is ironic and even a bit awkward for anyone to "say" something about icon and prayer. Ironic because icons are themselves SILENT WITNESSES; They are QUIET PROCLAIMERS of the Gospel. Praying before icons is likewise standing quietly before the glorified faces of those who had been transformed by the light of the Risen Savior.

Praying before icons begins with the quieting of the self; the ordering of the external and internal chaos (disciplining and de-cluttering) that one brings with him, and proceeding in peace in the inward pilgrimage of being transported , through humble contemplation, from the various faces of the Holy Servants of God, the biblical and historical portrayals of salvific and miraculous episodes on the different types of icons, to the worship of the blessed countenance of the Incarnate Logos, Jesus Christ, THE DIVINE ICON OF GOD Himself.

To speak of Icons is to speak of dynamics, of energies, of movements and processes. Icons, though made entirely from natural materials (clay, pigments, linen, oil, metals, wood, etc.), are never inanimate. They pulsate with life and light. They engage those who contemplate them into a holy and privileged dialogue. Icons are windows through which we are given a glimpse of the glory that awaits us in our heavenly homeland.

Icons are silent invitations echoing to us the call of the Lord: "Come and see...(John 1:39)"

They are silent testimonies of those who have gone before us, those who emerged victorious from their earthly pilgrimage and are now encouraging us, guiding and protecting us, keeping us from harm's way, instructing us in the ways of holiness, and even cheering us on in our every little triumph over sin and evil on earth until we ourselves attain our celestial destination.

The Icon is a "locus" of transformation and re-creation. It is the mirror against which we are appraised of the state of our spiritual disposition, in order that we may become aware and conscious of where we are in our journey, and our constant need for the mercy and forgiveness of the Lord, as well as to be reconciled with our fellow pilgrims and strugglers; fellow beggars before the mercy-seat of the Almighty.

Icons are "real" and "living" presences of the Savior manifested to us through the many glorified members of His One, Holy and Glorified Body, the Church, of which he himself is the head.

In icons we are being introduced, initiated, instructed, guided, to become what God intends us to be; And to unlearn and be detached from the accumulated lies and "false icons" of ourselves that has encrusted our beings through the noise and darkness of sin.

Icons properly and reverently approached can be agents of our continuous REBIRTH in the life of grace. They can be oases of spiritual refreshment and sanctuary of healing and peace.

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