Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Insanity Called Jesus

Judas have finally had it.

Not a minute longer in this unstoppable insanity called Jesus.

But he'll not leave with empty hands.

Might as well cash in on his retirement.

"How much will you pay me for handing him over to you?" he asked the temple officials.

Then he thougth:
"Three long years of unemployment...Ten pieces of silver for every wasted year of following his earstwhile boss (OT without pay, free food for just about everyone, begging on the streets, running all the time from mad crowds, praying for impossibly long hours, the disgusting habit of touching wounds, sores and even raising up dead people, etc.)...fair enough."

It was a deal...

The Judas in me, too, often engages in such baragains.

Cash in exchange for Christ.
Fame in exchange for Christ.
Reputation in exchange for Christ.
Career in exchange for Christ.
Political survival in exchange for Christ.
Pleasure in exchange for Christ.
Indulgence in exchange for Christ.
Comfortable and quiet living in exhange for Christ.
Power in exchange for Christ.
Practicality in exchange for Christ.

How much do I often find myself willing to exchange Christ for?

How much does it cost for me to call it a deal?

Today I shed my inner Judas.

Today I have decided to be impractical and foolish.

Today I willingly embrace the insanity called Jesus!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

EXTRAVAGANT LOVE: Holy Monday Thoughts

She was a gracious friend, a thankful servant. She just broke an expensive alabaster jar to lather the Master's feet with a most costly ointment.

Very excessive, says the zealous Judas. Utterly extravagant.

Such wasteful splurge of hard-earned silver.

Could have been saved for the poor.

The Master retorted:

Judas my friend,




I need not come down from heaven to help you and save you, I chose to be born like you and the rest. That is excessive. That is extravagant.

I need not work for my keep for I am Lord. I submitted to a simple maiden and a righteous carpenter. That is excessive. That is extravagant.

I need not do anything in that wedding party once when they ran out of wine. I ordered huge jars of plain water and turned those into finest wine. That is excessive. that is extravagant.

I need not feed the multitude who followed me. They would have understood anyway. Still out of pity I handed bread and fish for everyone. All five thousand of them. There were even twelve baskets full of leftovers. That is excessive. That is extravagant.

Martha asked that I rid Lazarus of fever. I waited 'til he's dead and showed everyone what I got.That is excessive. That is extravagant.

That centurion who came to me for his ailing daughter, I healed his daughter even before he could finish saying 'amen.' That is excessive. That is extravagant.

Remember that night when you all caught nothing at sea. And I insisted that you go back and throw the net at the other side. Do you still recall how terrified you all were because there simply was way too many fish that was caught in the net, that it was already bursting at the seams and the boat nearly sank?

Or that time when I stood up at the stern and ordered the winds and the waves to be quiet after you roused me from my deep sleep one stormy evening?

Or that other night when you all saw me strolling on water and mistook me for a ghost?

That, my friend, is excessive. That is extravagant.

And I am not done yet my dear friend.

I am saving the best for last.

I will not only touch the face of the leprous, nor keep company with prostitutes and vagabonds,

I will even wash the feet of my disciples, including yours; that after I tender a banquet for everyone.

I will give my body as your bread.

I will give my blood as your wine.

I will allow my self to be hoisted high up on the cross of shame and infamy as a slaughtered holocaust for the sins of all,

This I will lovingly embrace to pay a debt that none of you could ever do.

I will die for offenses and sins that are not even mine.

I need not do it but I will.