Thursday, February 4, 2010


In reality, Facebook (“Facebooking”) is simply engaging in cyber-voyeurism, that is, deriving delight and pleasure at taking a peek into someone else’s daily grind in life, no matter how insignificant and even downright inane it may sometimes be; as well as the almost as pervert urge to “expose” one’s self for the others’ viewing pleasure, by constantly feeding “update” boxes with what you have just eaten, the manner with which you brushed your teeth, or wore your pajamas, or bought that hundredth tall frap of yours, costing you almost half your tuition fee for the second semester and thus momentarily endangering your educational upkeep as well as your fair shot at the future, only so that you could grab your very own copy of this year’s edition of that ridiculous coffee shop planner, which is actually nothing more than a compilation of discount coupons and cloyingly disguised advertisements for their other caffeinated products; your undying love for some imaginary object of desire who doesn’t even know you exist, or at least not on this planet…what you had for your dinner, for breakfast, where you spent the afternoon, that new fancy leash for your mongrel, etc.

Sure some geeks and party poopers may argue that this application is our modern, decadent times’ God-sent opportunity to educate them bad grammarians and good-for-nothing gremlins that completely depend on their parents’ wallets and pockets for their very survival, or an avenue for lecturing others about the deeper meanings of life and other evangelistic agenda. While I am not denying that FB can every once in a while be used to communicate serious stuff to others,the truth, however, remains that after a series of thumb-up signs and likes and comments of whatever kind…everything’s just a game at FB…an extremely creative, innovative, hi-tech, and definitely costly way of wasting time and actually doing nothing…and enjoying every minute of it!

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